Using Analytics

Numbers Never Lie: The Yankees are in Trouble

By Alex Everett The funny thing about baseball is that what we expect to happen doesn’t always happen. As I posted in my last article the Mets were the only team with a positive run differential (+11) and a losing record (79-83). Using Dr. Stan’s formula to predict winning percentage (Winning Percentage = .000683*(runs scored …

A Sabermetric Look at the 2014 Playoff Teams

In a previous blog I talked about two important sabermetric formulas. Bill James’s Formula is Win% = (Runs Scored)2 / [(Runs Scored)2 + (Runs Allowed)2] and Stan “The Stats Man” Formula is Win% = 0.000683*[(Runs Scored) – (Runs Allowed)] +.50. James’s formula is called the Pythagorean Formula for Baseball and Stan’s Formula is called the Linear Formula …

A Sabermetric Approach to Predicting Major League Standings

Bill James, the Father of Sabermetrics,  introduced his ”Pythagorean Theorem of Baseball”.  His theorem provides a formula to predict a team’s winning percentage (W%)  using the runs scored (RS) and runs allowed (RA) by the team for a season.  Sabermetrics uses mathematics (especially Statistics) to make objective baseball decisions. The Pythagorean Theorem of Baseball states: …