Guest Bloggers

2014 Little League World Series Controversy

The blog that follows was written by Patrick Johnson, a student in my Baseball and Statistics course given at Quinnipiac University where I am a Professor in the Mathematics Department. I would be interested in your take on the controversy involving the Jackie Robinson West Little League Team. Jackie Robinson West (JRW), an all-African American …

Numbers Never Lie: The Yankees are in Trouble

By Alex Everett The funny thing about baseball is that what we expect to happen doesn’t always happen. As I posted in my last article the Mets were the only team with a positive run differential (+11) and a losing record (79-83). Using Dr. Stan’s formula to predict winning percentage (Winning Percentage = .000683*(runs scored …

A Special Father’s Day Baseball Event

I received via email from Dr. Cornelius Meyer, emeritus full-professor of psychology at Quinnipiac University, a wonderful family baseball story. I hope you enjoy reading his story about baseball, Father’s Day, and the “Green Monster”. Dr. Meyer states, “This was a special Father’s Day for my family, and it is with a sense of pride …