On October 2, 2017, I presented a talk to faculty and senior math majors at Sacred Heart University. The title of my talk was “Undergraduate College Students Can Do Original Math Research.” The senior math majors were from their Senior Seminar Course where each student, as a final requirement, must write a paper on a …
For the last several years my involvement with baseball changed from just an avid baseball fan to an educator, an author, a writer, a researcher, and a speaker on the topic of baseball. Each of these new roles has brought me in contact with many wonderful people, who have provided me with their personal baseball …
This January I gave similar talks at both the Math Conference in Seattle Washington and at the Kiwanis Club of Naples on the Gulf. Both talks discussed my philosophy of teaching. That is, the teaching of any subject matter is more successful for the teacher and more enjoyable for the student if the student both …
On Mon. evening Sept. 15, 2014 I gave a talk at Whitney Center, a retirement community, in Hamden, Ct. I was also invited to have dinner with some of the residents where I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Robert Adair. In 1945 at age 20 during WWII in Germany he was shot in the …
My talk was given on Friday at the Baltimore Convention Center. On Saturday after breakfast, we decided to visit the Babe Ruth Museum which is located just a few blocks away from Camden Yards. A trail of baseballs on the pavement led us to the museum. The museum is located on the site of the …
Last week I was in Baltimore, MD, where I was invited to present my new formula at the Joint Mathematical Meeting of the American Math Society and the Mathematics Association of America. As discussed in previous blogs, I developed the following new formula to predict a team’s winning percentage: Winning Percentage = .000683*(RS – RA) …
The “Shul By The Sea” is actually Temple Beth-El in City Island, NY. My talk was titled Minorities in Baseball. The audience was really into baseball and made me feel welcome. I observed they were wearing Yankee and Mets hats and shirts. My talk looked at the contribution of Jewish, African-American, and women baseball players. The …
On April 22, 2013, I was invited to speak at Amity Regional HS in CT. Unlike some other trips this was a short excursion of 30 minutes from my house. I was told that I would be talking to an AP Statistics Class, other math students and teachers. I wanted to choose a statistics topic …
After saying goodbye and thanking Rico Brogna for his talk on scouting to my class, I picked up my wife and we were off to West Point. I was scheduled to give a talk on batting streaks to Father Costa’s sabermetrics class the next day at 7:30 AM. Father Costa is a rare combination. He …