Month: January 2014

Dr. Stan the Stats Man Travels to Baltimore (Part 2) – Babe Ruth and “The 1918 World Series”

My talk was given on Friday at the Baltimore Convention Center. On Saturday after breakfast, we decided to visit the Babe Ruth Museum which is located just a few blocks away from Camden Yards. A trail of baseballs on the pavement led us to the museum. The museum is located on the site of the …

Dr. Stan the Stats Man in Baltimore

Last week I was in Baltimore, MD, where I was invited to present my new formula at the Joint Mathematical Meeting of the American Math Society and the Mathematics Association of America. As discussed in previous blogs, I developed the following new formula to predict a team’s winning percentage:   Winning Percentage = .000683*(RS – RA) …

Performance Enhancement Drugs (PEDs) and the Hall of Fame (Part 3)

Before presenting the arguments given by the people who believe PED users do not belong in the Hall of Fame, let’s recall the only instructions given to the Hall of Fame voters are, “Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player …

Performance Enhancement Drugs (PEDs) and the Hall of Fame (Part 2)

In March of 2006, the MLB appointed Sen. George Mitchell to investigate the history of PEDs in baseball. The Mitchell Report was released in December of 2007. Besides naming several offenders, the report said, “The illegal use of performance-enhancing substances poses a serious threat to the integrity of the game. Widespread use by players of such substances unfairly disadvantaged the honest …